Frühstücksideen für Muttertag und Vatertag

Breakfast ideas for Mother's Day and Father's Day

In the coming days we will celebrate our moms and dads! Time for a delicious family breakfast. With these yummy breakfast ideas you can definitely score points on Mother's Day and Father's Day.

ErnährungMagnesium - Das Multitasking-Mineral

Magnesium - The multitasking mineral

While nutrients such as carbohydrates or protein are usually in the spotlight in porridge, the many minerals it contains often do not get the attention they deserve. We don't think that's fair at a...

ErnährungKerne und Samen - Superfoods für dein Porridge

Kernels and seeds - superfoods for your porridge

For the full blast of superfood, we combine our creamy porridge with seeds and kernels. For extra crunch, for a nutty note and for an extra portion of nutrients.

Ernährung5 Gründe, warum du regelmässig Nüsse essen solltest

5 reasons why you should eat nuts regularly

Is there anything better than the crunch of roasted nuts or a big spoonful of creamy nut butter? It's not just the taste that impresses us with nuts in their entirety.

Fit und gesund durch den Winter

Fit and healthy through the winter

Our porridge is not only the most delicious feel-good food, but also a great source of nutrients. Our whole grain oat flakes are absolute heroes because they are full of fiber, minerals, vitamins a...

Abnehmen mit Hafer – Fake oder Fakt?

Losing weight with oats – fake or fact?

After a bowl of porridge you will be full of energy and zest for action. Cravings for a second breakfast or cravings for unhealthy snacks are avoided. But why is that?