Conscious Nutrition

During Pregnancy: Easy with Porridge

Don't eat this and eat more of it, but please don't eat too much - during pregnancy there is a lot of advice and big cravings that turn your usual diet upside down. Good news for (expectant) mothers: With our oat heroes at your side, you can easily eat a balanced diet. Find out how balanced eating during pregnancy and conscious nutrition become child's play for breastfeeding mothers.

Do's: What can you eat during pregnancy?

280 days or 40 weeks or 9 months - that’s how long a pregnancy lasts on average. Enough time to look forward to your baby's arrival. In addition to choosing a name and buying nappies, preparing for what is probably the biggest adventure of your life also includes eating consciously. Eating consciously during pregnancy doesn't mean having to go without everything.

The Big Question Mark: What to eat during pregnancy?

If you're worried about doing something wrong with your diet, you're not alone. But don't worry, after the positive pregnancy test, the same rules apply to nutrition as before:

- The better the quality of your food, the more beneficial it is for you and your baby.

- Drinking enough is doubly important during pregnancy.

- The ideal menu contains lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as wholegrain products , some dairy products, around 300 grams of lean meat and twice fatty fish per week.

- Fat should be as plant-based as possible and used in well-dosed quantities.

- Treat your body to lots of minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

- Pro tip against nausea, heartburn and low blood sugar: Instead of three large meals, eat five smaller ones throughout the day.

Sounds doable, right? Of course, there are also a few special features for pregnant women. To ensure that your baby's body and mind develop well, you need an extra portion of vitamins, iodine, folic acid, iron, magnesium and calcium. You supply your body with most of the vitamins and nutrients through conscious nutrition. However, pregnant women often have to help with additional preparations, especially when there is an increased need for iodine and folic acid.

Conscious Nutrition: Early pregnancy is a challenge for the body

A balanced diet during pregnancy can be a bit of a challenge in the first few months. What you couldn't stand before suddenly becomes your greatest temptation. What doesn't change significantly, however, is your calorie needs: pregnancy doesn't mean you have to eat twice as much. 200 to 300 kilocalories more per day are enough.

But what if cravings during pregnancy mess everything up? Luckily, you can easily get them under control with our Oat Heroes. This is just one of the reasons why our founder Caro appreciates our 3Bears products more than ever since she was pregnant:

"When you're pregnant, you shouldn't eat for two - but twice as good, balanced and full of nutrients. As a mother, I know that our oat and porridge products are perfect for this: as a plant-based source of iron, protein, fibre and complex carbohydrates that keep you full for a long time."

Carol Nichols
Co-Founder 3Bears and Mo

What to eat if you have nausea during pregnancy?

In addition to cravings, there may be another problem that accompanies you in the first few weeks: pregnancy sickness. Hormones that are in a state of emergency and low blood sugar levels are probably to blame.

Unfortunately, there is no way to “cure” the sinking feeling in your stomach. No Worries: For many pregnant women, this phase passes after around the twelfth week. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to seek medical advice - especially if you have persistent and severe symptoms or if you can hardly eat or drink due to nausea.

Until then, there are some foods for pregnancy sickness that will at least alleviate the discomfort. Eating when you have pregnancy sickness? It may sound unusual - but it helps many people. Some prefer dried fruit, others prefer to nibble on lightly salted crackers. Do you want to win the battle against nausea with enjoyment? Then we have a yummy insider tip for you: an oat snack in the morning banishes nausea and worries.

Porridge is an effective and nutritious food for nausea during pregnancy. With stomach-soothing properties, oatmeal helps combat nausea, and thanks to its fibre, your blood sugar levels stay in the green range. This is especially important after getting up.

If you mix Overnight Oats in the evening and enjoy them in the morning, morning sickness hardly stands a chance. It's best to have the overnight oats brought to you in bed and not eat them too cold and in peace.

The Perfect Breakfast for Pregnant Women

A nutritious breakfast during pregnancy will prepare you for all the adventures that await you - be it the first ultrasound or the baby shower that your friends are planning for you. The same applies to breakfast: the more balanced, the better.

Fruit and dried fruits are ideal for those with a sweet tooth. Ideally, porridge and muesli for pregnant women should not contain any industrial sugar. You should also avoid sugary jam during pregnancy.

3Bears Porridge offers you harmless and untamed enjoyment during pregnancy: with us you will find porridge in organic quality and made from high-quality ingredients. What you won't find with us is industrial sugar and additives.

Discover Organic Porridge

The biggest advantage: Porridge is as varied as your pregnancy and not only satisfies your craving for sweets. How about oatmeal instead of bread? Or with oatmeal bread ? The superfood oats is versatile and full of health benefits that will keep you fit through pregnancy.

Nutritious Snacks for Pregnant Women

Breastfeeding balls are particularly popular between meals or as a dessert for pregnant women: The energy balls contain everything that stimulates milk production - for example oats or other cereal flakes, semolina or nuts.

The bites are easy to prepare, nutritious and incredibly tasty - and are therefore popular not only as snacks for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. You can also share them with your partner - if there is even a ball left over.

Completely happy with Energy Balls: Pregnancy or not, these porridge balls taste great and fit perfectly with a conscious diet. With just a few ingredients and no effort, you can get the enjoyment rolling and have sweet or savoury sources of energy for the whole day.

Easy Recipes for Energy Balls

Other nutritious snacks during pregnancy include:

- Dried fruit
- Yogurt
- Carrot sticks
- Homemade smoothies
- Nuts

By the way, which nuts are allowed during pregnancy only depends on which ones you can tolerate. Hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, etc. are harmless. You should only be careful with bitter almonds: they contain amygdalin, which can form hydrogen cyanide in the body. However, you can enjoy sweet almonds during pregnancy without any worries.

"The dried fruits, which give our products the perfect sweetness, are also an ideal source of energy and prevent cravings."

Don'ts: What shouldn't I eat during pregnancy?

Luckily, you don't have to go without your favourite porridge for nine months. But even though many things are allowed, there are some no-gos for expectant mothers.

What are pregnant women not allowed to eat and drink? Taboo are:
- Alcohol
- Drinks containing quinine
- Raw animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, raw milk
- Raw grain
- Predatory fish that contain a lot of mercury, for example tuna, eel, redfish or halibut
- Too much caffeine, fat and sugar
- Pre-cut fruit or salads and foods from open containers
- Highly sugary drinks such as energy drinks
- Liquorice – the black candy can affect babies' cognitive abilities

Opinions differ on some foods. Some say that honey and flaxseed should not be consumed during pregnancy or should only be consumed in moderation. Others debate whether soy is good or harmful during pregnancy.

If you are unsure, you can avoid such foods to be on the safe side or talk to your doctor.

Milk during pregnancy: Nutritious or a no-go

Raw milk also appears in the list of food taboos. But can you drink milk during pregnancy? And what about dairy products - can you eat yogurt during pregnancy?

Boiled or heat-treated milk during pregnancy is safe. This also applies to cheese made from pasteurised milk and yogurt. However, you should ban cheese made from raw milk, blue mould, soft cheese and grated cheese from your kitchen for at least nine months: they can contain listeria - bacteria that neither large nor small tummies should come into contact with.

Since pasteurised milk and yogurt are allowed during pregnancy, the only question that remains is: Which Oat Hero do you mix them with? Maybe you don't feel like eating oatmeal with milk or plant-based drink every morning? Then our Pocket Porridge brings variety to your oat enjoyment. No cooking, no soaking overnight - just open the packaging and take a bite.

Oatmeal During Pregnancy: What benefits does porridge have for expectant mothers?

You now know that oatmeal helps against nausea during pregnancy. But that's not all that makes oatmeal and porridge a superfood for pregnant women.

Oats are full of valuable nutrients - for example, oat flakes contain folic acid, which is so important for pregnant women and strengthens the immune system. Oatmeal also helps with gestational diabetes: it contains beta-glucans, which raise blood sugar levels gently and stably.

Oatmeal also makes your stomach feel good. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and relieve constipation and diarrhea. Plus, oats fill you up for hours and can be prepared in countless ways. This means you won't get bored with culinary delights for nine months.

So that you and your baby benefit from the benefits of oats, you should value high-quality ingredients - like we do with our porridge . Can you eat oatmeal with water? And how exactly does it work with overnight oats? We have summarised everything you need to know about making porridge in a large overview for you.

Yummy Immediate Help: This is what Porridge does for heartburn

Once the pregnancy sickness is over, heartburn follows for some mums-to-be. It is caused by too much stomach acid or high pressure in the abdominal cavity. No wonder, after all, a little person is growing in his stomach.

But which foods cause too much stomach acid and are therefore not recommended for pregnant women? Citrus fruits, fatty foods, but also legumes are typical triggers for burning in the body.

A flaxseed drink is usually effective against heartburn. If you're looking for an alternative, porridge also helps against heartburn. Porridge acts like a natural and beneficial fire extinguisher in the stomach. Oatmeal can also help against silent reflux, in which stomach acid reaches the mouth in gaseous form.

Also ideal for the offspring: Baby Porridge with Oatmeal

What is good for mom is also good for babies. This is especially true for porridge. As soon as your little one starts eating solid food - around the sixth month - you can use the delicate cereal flakes for baby porridge.

Are oatmeal good for growth? Absolutely! Porridge gives your baby the important nutrients it needs for growth and general well-being. Are you wondering which oat flakes are suitable for baby food? It is important that a wholegrain oatmeal baby porridge contains no industrial sugar and only the best and natural ingredients - like our Wild Bowls .

In the morning you can easily start the day for you and your baby with overnight oats. But which porridge is best in the evening? A warm evening porridge with oatmeal is perfect to calm your little stomach and let you both sleep relaxed.

Food while breastfeeding: Do's and Don'ts after giving birth

Conscious nutrition is also important for your health after birth. When your baby is born, you nourish him or her with vital nutrients through your breast milk.

Which foods should and should not be avoided while breastfeeding?

As long as you eat a balanced diet, there are no taboos other than alcohol while breastfeeding. However, sometimes very sensitive babies can get gas, stomach ache or a sore bottom after breastfeeding.

Do you have any suspicions about which food is the culprit? Then leave it out for now. Are you unsure? Vegetables are often the culprit. The following lists show which vegetables are generally good for breastfeeding mothers and which are less well tolerated.

Which vegetables to enjoy while breastfeeding?
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Fennel
- Spinach
- Paprika

Which vegetables should you avoid while breastfeeding?
- Garlic
- Onions
- Cabbage
- Leek vegetables
- Asparagus

By the way, eating spicy food while breastfeeding is not a problem. Only a fraction of the spiciness reaches your baby. Only if your baby reacts sensitively should you wait until after weaning to enjoy the fiery treat.

You can also safely eat eggs while breastfeeding - as long as they are fresh and of high quality. Eggs enrich breast milk with protein and iron and are therefore even recommended.

“Oatmeal, for example in the form of delicious porridge, is a perfect meal, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Easy to prepare, important nutrients for mum and baby, long-lasting source of energy – these are just a few of the many positive properties.”

The same applies to dairy products. Breastfeeding and milk are a good combination. Does oatmeal cause gas when breastfeeding? Not at all, they are really well tolerated by you and your offspring - a great reason not to go without porridge, even while breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and losing weight – is that a good idea?

Even if no one expects it from pregnant women and new mothers, many people want to get back in shape quickly after giving birth and wonder whether losing weight while breastfeeding is a good idea.

In most cases, a diet after birth is not necessary as losing weight through breastfeeding occurs naturally. Unlike during pregnancy, the calorie requirement when breastfeeding is higher than normal - a breastfeeding mother has to consume an additional 500 to 600 kilocalories per day. Breastfeeding costs a lot of energy and up to a kilogram of weight per month.

A strict diet while breastfeeding is not recommended. If the amount of calories per day falls below 1,500 kilocalories, harmful substances from the fatty tissue can get into the breast milk. However, there is nothing wrong with gentle weight reduction with a balanced diet.

“There's nothing better than porridge for breakfast! I always support my postpartum mothers (and especially those nursing) that they need three hot meals a day. To compensate for the lack of energy caused by childbirth. Porridge is perfect for breakfast.”

Not enough breast milk? Stimulate milk production with relaxation and food

Without a diet while breastfeeding, there is no risk of insufficient milk supply. If there is still a shortage, you can help a little and promote milk production. Natural helpers are foods that stimulate breast milk:

- Spices: anise, fennel, caraway, dill, basil, cumin, nettle leaves
- Cereals: oats, millet, wheat, barley
- Malt: malt coffee or malt beer
- Nuts like almonds
- yeast flakes

Parsley, sage or peppermint, on the other hand, are considered foods that reduce breast milk. However, psychological factors such as stress and worries about not producing enough milk have a much greater influence on milk production.

So what promotes breastfeeding? Relaxation, the right breastfeeding technique, regular breastfeeding and a balanced diet.

“When the kids are there, as a mother you are happy about quick, tasty solutions in the kitchen that the whole family enjoys. And above all, they are balanced. Double win!”

Carol Nichols
Co-Founder 3Bears and Mum

Stimulate milk production with Oatmeal while breastfeeding

Whether oatmeal promotes breastfeeding and stimulates milk production or not: they are definitely nutritious and help you feel good all around. Cooked as porridge or as an ingredient in muesli for breastfeeding mothers, the delicate flakes have a positive effect on the bodies of mother and baby.

To ensure that your child only comes into contact with the best ingredients while breastfeeding, organic porridge is the best choice for your diet.

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