Jahreszeiten & AnlässeAdventskalender: Die faszinierende Geschichte und moderne Vielfalt

Advent calendar: The fascinating history and modern diversity

The Advent calendar is an integral part of the Christmas season that brings back childhood memories and anticipation. But how did this traditional custom develop and what exciting variations are th...

ErnährungSo wichtig ist eine gesunde Darmflora

A healthy intestinal flora is so important

The fact is that intestinal flora has a huge impact on both physical and mental health. The intestinal bacteria living in us not only control our immune system, but also our emotions. The unhinder...

OsternIdeen für ein zuckerfreies Osternest

Ideas for a sugar-free Easter basket

The first daffodils are already blooming, the days are getting longer and the sun is appearing more and more often. That’s right: spring is here. And that means that the Easter Bunny will be hoppi...

BowlDer ultimative Bowl Guide

The Ultimate Bowl Guide

Are you scrolling through your feed and seeing one yummy bowl after another? If you try it yourself in the kitchen, it just won't work? Then you are exactly right here. With our latest guide, it's...

SchwangerschaftFeelgoodmäßig durch die Schwangerschaft

Feel good through pregnancy

Is your head already spinning? At the latest when the pregnancy test shows two lines, the world turns upside down. On the one hand, because perhaps the most exciting chapter of your life now beg...

Goodbye Sugar – So klappt’s mit dem zuckerfreien Alltag

Goodbye Sugar – This is how it works with a sugar-free everyday life

We've all heard it before: white sugar is not good for us. The good news: enjoyment can also be achieved without industrial sugar. In this blog post we will explain to you why it is worth banish...