
Famous porridge fans

Berühmte Porridge Fans

Porridge - A valuable source of energy

Bill Gates, Madonna, Kate Moss. They are rich, they are powerful, they are famous – and for good reason. Her life is based on the principle “Work hard, play hard”. Long working days and busy schedules are the norm. But where does the energy of these prominent people come from? One thing Madonna, Bill Gates and Kate Moss have in common is their attitude towards food. Nutrition makes an important contribution to your success.

3Bears Porridge Poppy Banana Breakfast Idea

But which foods and products can provide so much energy? For example porridge! All of these celebrities eat porridge for breakfast. With a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, they can perform at their best all day long. Porridge contains a lot of fiber, which keeps you full for a long time and is easy to digest . The complex carbohydrates and natural protein make it the perfect breakfast for active people. Besides, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, hot breakfast is much better for our body to function properly right away.

How Madonna, Kate Moss and Bill Gates eat their porridge

Madonna Porridge Diet

Madonna, who was very thin in places, gave her body new strength and got her sexy curves back through the “porridge diet” . Since she eats oatmeal in the morning, usually with soy milk or water (Madonna is vegan), her skin has been more radiant, she says.

Kate Moss Porridge Diet Plan

The British model Kate Moss certainly grew up eating porridge in her home country. Now the healthy breakfast fits perfectly into your nutrition plan . They say she prefers to eat her oatmeal with cinnamon, apple and walnuts. Our delicious Cinnamon Apple variety could be just the thing for you!

Bill Gates Porridge Nutrition

Bill Gates and his Gates Foundation even support healthy nutrition for children and pregnant women in South Asia and Africa. He wrote on Twitter: "Nutrition is the biggest missed opportunity for global health."

All three are careful about what they eat because they trust studies that say a balanced diet is important for a person's physical and mental health.

The 3Bears Porridge - Just right!

Buy 3Bears Porridge online

Do you often have long days at work? Or do you need a lot of energy for a hiking tour? Then try our fabulous porridge ! With a high fruit content, a crunchy bite and no sugar, our magical varieties are delicious and healthy. For a strong start to the day!

Reading next

3Bears Porridge - Frühstück - Blaubeeren -Toppings
11 Rezeptideen ohne Zuckerzusatz

1 comment

Ulrike Bartens

Hallo liebe Bären,
mein Favorit ist Zimtiger Apfel, suuuper lecker und cremig.
So muss Frühstück schmecken! Kein Vergleich mit Müsli & Co.
Danke , dass es Porridge jetzt auch bei uns gibt.
LG Ulrike

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