3Bears Freunde

Valentine's Day interview: Caroline & Tim - a love like in a fairy tale ❤

Interview zum Valentinstag: Caroline & Tim - eine Liebe wie im Märchen ❤

A little love story for Valentine's Day...

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there were two brave people who decided to enchant the whole of Germany with a fabulous breakfast meal... These two young people were our two founders, Caroline & Tim! As you may know, the two are not only a real dream team professionally, but also in their personal lives. With their wedding last summer they officially sealed their happiness in love and have been walking through the fairytale forest as a married couple ever since.

Valentine's Day Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day we asked the two of them a few questions about their personal fairy tale...

When and where did you first meet?

Caroline: We first met near Manchester, where I did my internship. We were at a charity event there and took part in tug of war. Tim on one side and me on the other. That's where we met and got to know each other for the first time.

( Tim's comment: "Spectating, not competing... my arms are too skinny!")

Who asked about the first date and where was it?

Caroline: Tim, but it wasn't actually a real date because he noticed that I wanted to go shopping in Manchester and offered me a ride in the car. That was the first time we traveled together. Two days later he asked me on an official date!

(Tim's comment: "It was a classy pub!")

When was that and how old were you?

Caroline: That was in March 2007, so I was 21 and Tim was 25. So not Valentine's Day 😉

Which of you two is tidier and who cleans up after whom?

Caroline: Definitely me, although Tim would say no. I tend to clean up after him because sometimes he doesn't even notice the mess. But it has to be said that he helps out a lot with the household!

(Tim doesn't say no)

You work together... What's the best thing about having a joint company and what's the downside?

Caroline: Well, I really appreciate being able to spend so much time with my best friend and partner. Especially because there are so many couples who rarely see each other and come home completely exhausted after work. I appreciate him even more since we've been working together because I didn't know many of his skills and talents before and they really impress me! I really don't see any disadvantages, but of course you have to make sure that you switch off privately at home and don't just talk about work. That's the risk, because the work is then what you share the most. You should definitely not neglect the other things.

(Tim says: "The advantage of working together is that we see each other every day. The disadvantage is that we see each other every day! )

Do you have measures or even routines for this?

Caroline: Yes, we make sure that we don't talk about it in the evening after work (which was unfortunately not possible in the year we were founded!) and that the weekend remains a weekend where no work is done (except in urgent cases). We try not to talk much about work, even on vacation, which is very important to us.

    Where do you see yourself in the future, privately, but also 3Bears?

    Caroline: As a couple, it is extremely important to us to continue to advance the company and to introduce as many people as possible to porridge. We still have a lot of education to do and want to inspire as many people as possible to try our porridge. Only then do you know what porridge is and how it should taste. Privately, our goal is the same as the brand: healthy nutrition, but also exercise, sport and balance. We are able to do this more and more because we have now built up a great team, which means we can maintain this balance very well and live out all of the things that are important to us.

    What was your most beautiful travel destination and most formative experience together?

    Caroline: Our trip around the world was very fascinating because we were in so many different places, where you could try a lot of delicious food and see so many different cultures and countries. That was a lot of fun. It's really hard to say what was the best destination because there were countries that really surprised us. We had really great moments in Chile, which I didn't know much about and therefore didn't have high expectations. Otherwise we thought Vietnam was beautiful. For us, traveling now means taking a little distance from work, but still being inspired by new flavors.

    Questions for Caroline

    What is Tim's favorite flavor?

    This is the Cinnamon Apple!

    How did Tim propose to you?

    I didn't expect it at all! I had organized a weekend where we hiked to the Zugspitze in two days, including an overnight stay in a hut. That was before we launched 3Bears, but the idea and preparation were already in full swing. It was a beautiful sunny day in August and we were in a fairytale beautiful forest. I totally freaked out with my cell phone and kept taking photos because I thought it was like the bear forest! Then we even found a hut - that was just so great. We were taking photos there and then he suddenly got down on his knees and proposed to me with a ring. He hadn't actually planned to propose on the first day, but on the Zugspitze, but the moment was so magical, we were all alone - there was no one around and the hut was so beautiful that Tim thought it would be better it can't be any more. Then we carved our initials into the hut!

    What are three things Tim can't live without?

    Three things he can't live without are definitely... me 😉 , sports (especially running and cycling) and music.

    What was the first German word Tim learned?

    I don't even know anymore because he was already taking German courses when I met him. But the funniest thing he ever said to me was when we were in an alley in London and he suddenly said: “It's busy here!” I thought the word “busy” for “busy” was so funny because we In Germany, never use the word, but simply say “There’s a lot going on here.”

      Questions for Tim

      Tim, what is Caroline's favorite flavor?

      This is the Fruity Coconut!

      What is the best and worst gift you have ever given Caroline?

      Spontaneously organized trips and short trips always work well for me. Clothing not so much...

      Was it love at first or second sight?

      Definitely at first!

      What 3 things would Caroline take with her to a desert island?

      A phone to call her boyfriends and girlfriends, pajamas and sunglasses!

      Are you #bearlove? Can you imagine running a company with your partner? #3bearsporridge #just right

      We wish you a fabulous Valentine's Day!

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      1 comment


      Hallo Caroline, hallo Tim,
      ich sitze gerade am Frühstückstisch mit meiner Schüssel 3Bears vor mir und meinem kleinen Sohn, der an Valentinstag zur Welt kam, neben mir und lese Euren Bericht. Dabei wollte ich nur schnell auf Eurer Seite shoppen…aber nun muss ich Euch kurz schreiben: In einer Zeit, in der keine Mutter dazu kommt sich ein ordentliches Frühstück zu machen, seid Ihr meine Rettung gewesen! Es geht schnell (in der Mikrowelle), macht lange satt, ist WARM, energiereich und gesund – alles was man im Wochenbett braucht!
      Ich liebe die neutrale Variante mit Sojamilch und pimpe Sie mir jeden Tag anders mit Banane, Zimt, Vanilleextrakt, Nüssen oder Beeren. Habe jetzt schon vielen Neumamis zur Geburt einen Beutel 3Bears dazugeschenkt und alle waren begeistert….vielleicht eine neue Zielgruppe? :-) Liebe Grüße, Natalie

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