
Double Choc Protein Granola

Double Choc Protein Granola

There's not much to say here except: chocolatey, nutty, delicious. And above all, you know what's in it - unlike the cereal sugar traps from the supermarket. And thanks to our new High Protein Porridge mixture, this granola also provides plant-based proteins.

Double Choc Protein Granola


1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tbsp rapeseed oil

20 g pecans, coarsely chopped

20 g hazelnut kernels, coarsely chopped

75 g puffed amaranth

100 g 3Bears High Protein Porridge Crunchy cocoa

1 tbsp sesame

To serve:

Fresh fruit such as apricots and mixed berries

Skyr, yogurt or quark


Preheat the oven to 180 °C (top/bottom heat). Mix maple syrup and oil in a small bowl. Mix nuts in a large bowl with the other dry ingredients. Stir in the maple syrup and oil mixture until everything is well moistened.

Then spread the granola on a tray lined with baking paper and bake in a hot oven (on the middle shelf) for 10 minutes. After baking, let the homemade granola cool down thoroughly.

Double Choc Protein Granola

Serving tips for you

You can eat granola like muesli with milk or plant-based drink or as a topping on your yoghurt, your overnight oats or of course your porridge. Serve with fresh fruit, berries and skyr or yoghurt as the perfect high protein breakfast and snack. If you have some granola left over, you can put the rest in a container and store it tightly closed for a few days.

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