Jahreszeiten & Anlässe

TOP 10 Overnight Oats Recipes for the Summer

TOP 10 Overnight Oats Rezepte für den Sommer

Overnight oats are the absolute breakfast trend in summer 2021. No wonder, because the cold porridge version made from swollen oat flakes is really perfect for hot summer days. You can easily prepare your overnight oats the evening before and have your ready-made breakfast waiting in the fridge for you to enjoy the next day.

Overnight oats – Breakfast for hot days

Oatmeal is the perfect base for a balanced breakfast. The complex carbohydrates and fibre ensure that you are full for a long time and protect you from unnecessary cravings shortly after breakfast. The idea of ​​a warm bowl of porridge may sound more than tempting in winter - at 30 degrees in summer? Not really! That's why we rely on the cold porridge variant in summer: overnight oats. Like porridge, overnight oats for breakfast provide you with all the important nutrients you need for your daily adventures. You can find the basic recipe for overnight oats and many other interesting facts about breakfasts with oatmeal in our overview of overnight oats.

The best overnight oats recipes for summer

Overnight oats never get boring and you can use the basic recipe to create a variety of creative recipes that will sweeten the hot summer days. We have summarised our favourite overnight oats for the summer here.

  1. Overnight Oats Peach Melba Style
    Overnight oats peach raspberries
  2. Cheesecake overnight oats with strawberries
    Cheesecake overnight oats strawberries
  3. Summery overnight oats with mango and coconut
    Overnight Oats Mango Coconut
  4. Vegan overnight oats with healthy strawberry ice cream
    Overnight oats nice cream strawberries
  5. Summery blueberry coconut overnight oats
    Blueberry coconut overnight oats
  6. Vegan matcha coconut overnight oats
    Matcha coconut overnight oats
  7. Black Forest Cherry Overnight Oats
    Black Forest Cherry Overnight Oats
  8. Overnight oats with liquid strawberry core and crunchy chocolate
    Strawberry overnight oats with chocolate
  9. Overnight oats with summer berries and French toast croutons
    Berry overnight oats
  10. Raspberry curd overnight oats
    Raspberry curd overnight oats

Are you getting hungry while reading the recipes? We feel you! Then quickly try out the delicious recipes. Enjoy!

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